Passing of an Icon

The Passing of an Icon

The long-serving chairman and founder of Islamic Foundation Sheikh Mohammad Akhtar Wajid Rao passed on, on Wednesday February 14th, 2024 at his home in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Sheikh Muhammad Akhtar Wajid Rao died while undergoing medical treatment at his matrimonial home country in Pakistan and was buried in Pakistan in accordance to Islamic rites. Until his death he was the Amir and Trustee of the Islamic Foundation and member of various Muslim organizations

We beseech Allāh to expand his grave, shower His infinite mercy upon him, to for- give his sins and grant his family patience. May Almighty Allah in His infinite mercy grant him forgiveness and secure him a place in the everlasting abode of Jannah.

Sh. Mohammed Akhtar Wajid Rao Amir- Islamic Foundation



Sheikh Rao was the Co-Founder of Islamic Foundation Kenya which was established in the Year 1971. 

He devoted his lifetime in serving humanity through establishment of Educational Institutes, orphanage centers, schools, hospital, sunk boreholes for community and built over 100 Mosques around Kenya.

He was behind the establishment of Al-Falah Madrassa and Islamic centre in Machakos, Nyeri and Isiolo. Through his efforts, also Maahad Islamic Centre in Kisauni, Mombasa was constructed where many Islamic scholars attained Islamic knowledge and secular education.

53 years of service to humanity

Sheikh Rao pro-actively worked at Islamic Foundation Kenya for over 53 years by tirelessly serving humanity.

Through the Islamic Foundation, he over saw the translation and publication of many Islamic books notably Qur’an Takatifu in Kiswahili by the former Chief Kadhi of Kenya Sheikh Abdallah al Farsy and the translation of the Qur’an into Luganda language by the former Chief Kadhi of Uganda Sheikh Abdulrazak Matovu.

He retired as the Chairman of Islamic Foundation on 5th June 2022 and later elected by the Executive Committee of Islamic Foundation as the first Amir of the Islamic Foundation Kenya.

He will be remembered for being a philanthropist who changed the lives of thousands of orphans and needy children by providing opportunities for them in Education and Healthcare


In his message of condolence, Jamia Mosque Committee chairman Sheikh Muhammad Osman Warfa described Sheikh Muhammad Akhtar Rao as a humble person who served the Muslim community with utmost dedications and honesty.

Jamia Secretary General Abdul Bari Ha- mid sent his condolences to the family of the late Sheikh Rao whom he described as committed servant of Islam and humanity who contributed to the spread of Islam in Kenya.

In his tribute, chairman Islamic Foundation Muhammad Ayub Khalid described him as an illustrious community leader and elder whose contribution to promoting a better understanding will always be remembered.

In his eulogy, Secretary-General Islamic Foundation of Kenya Dr. Mustafa Yusuf Ali praised Sheikh Muhammad Akhtar Rao as a charismatic leader and great pillar who went out of his way to serve Islam and Muslims with utmost dedication and promote the correct knowledge of Islam.

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