
Islamic Foundation has continuously engaged  engaged in Da’wah work in Kenya for more than half a century. At its inception, the organization was focused in Da’wah through the production, publication, distribution, sale and donation of variety of Islamic literature. Some notable publications include the flagship Swahili Translation of the Holy Quran famously referred to as Quran Takatifu by Sh. Abdalla Farsy, The meaning of the Qur’an by Sh. Abu Ala Maududi among many other titles.

The organization extended its scope into building of Mosques in various areas in the interior of Kenya and in several public and government institutions. 

In order to enhance its capacity in Da’wah, IFK established the famed Kisauni Islamic Institute which offers training at intermediate and secondary levels of Islamic studies. This institute has produced numerous scholars of Islamic studies as well as Imam’s, Madrassa teachers and Dai’s who are engaged with Islamic propagation in Kenya and all over the world.